This talented group from the Universidade de São Paulo Medical School (FMUSP) was selected from Paulo Saldiva's 1,100 students for a one-year experience at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). For additional detail on these exceptional students who will spend time at HSPH under Professor John Godleski, please view their biographies below.
(in alphabetical order by last name)
Yasser A. D. CALIL is currently in his fourth year of medical school at the FMUSP.

Iberê Pereira DATTI is a native of São Paulo, Brazil, where he attends medical school at the Universidade de São Paulo.

Brenno Rizerio GOMES is a third-year medical school student at the Universidade de São Paulo.

Vivian Onoe HATAKEYAMA was born and raised in a metropolitan São Paulo, a city with a population of approximately 19 million.

Danilo Yamamoto NANBU was born and lives in São Paulo, the largest city in South America and the metropolis with the greatest air pollution problem in Brazil.

Natascha Silva SANDY is in her fourth year of medical school at the FMUSP.

Gabriel Rassi de Andrade VAZ recently finished his third year of the six-year FMSUP medical school program.
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